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I Survived The Great Molasses Flood, 1919




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Hope Books
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Project Middle School




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Project Animal Rescue




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Hope Books
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Alyssa Milano's Hope Series

Project Class President

Author: Debbie Rigaud; 

Illustrator: Eric S. Keyes

8  -  12

In the third book in Alyssa Milano's funny and relatable middle-grade series, Hope is running for sixth grade class president, with her friend and campaign manager, Grace, by her side. But in her effort to win over her classmates, Hope makes some promises she can't keep. Can Hope make things right with the students of JFK Middle -- and maybe still win the election, too?

Hope's relatability, kindness, empathy, and can-do attitude will inspire a generation of do-gooders. This series is a response to the very palpable feeling that not only can young people save the world -- they will!

This story will tie in perfectly to the 2020 presidential election and include Hope's tips about voting and elections in the back of the book!

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Hope Books
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Alyssa Milano's Hope Series

Project Go Green

Author: Debbie Rigaud; 

Illustrator: Eric S. Keyes

8  -  12

In the fourth book in Alyssa Milano's funny and relatable middle-grade series, Hope Roberts is determined to save the world—literally. Hope has already gotten her school to add more recycling bins and coordinate a carpooling program. But it's not enough. Hope wants to do more to protect the environment before it's too late. But will Hope's plans to help the planet backfire?

Hope's relatability, kindness, empathy, and can-do attitude will inspire a generation of do-gooders. This series is a response to the very palpable feeling that not only can young people save the world—they will!

This story will include Hope's tips about recycling and protecting the environment in the back of the book!

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